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Morning Meds with Izzy Herriette & Co - Friday - APR 8, 2011.
Joshua 13:1 - Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said to him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed.
Upon opening to this verse, early this morning, my thoughts went directly to a "word" given me on June 15, 2003; as I was in preparation for a morning service I was to teach that day. This powerful instruction from the LORD, was recorded at that time, and is now documented in my book Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows:
June 15, 2003 - (This day just as the day before 9/11/01, when the Holy Spirit overshadowed me and spoke with such a powerful prophetic message!)
I was getting ready to go preach our Sunday morning church service when the LORD spoke to me again:
"Ginger, there is a rollover coming- a changing of the guards." Instantly, I knew that this "word" was coming with the same importance as that of the 9/11, that had come to me. It came like a trumpet blast! He said, "There are many Generals who will be going from the earth in not so many days." He told me that _______ would be going soon.
He continued, "They (the Generals) have no idea that they were and are still in so powerful a spot!" He said they didn't understand that they were called, chosen, raised up, multiplied, and magnified, because of the great "roundup" that He knew about all along. He was organizing it for this time! He said He had brought them up with great strength and magnitude of power and that all that they had become was absolutely of His doing! He said it was a "mighty, mighty work that He had done for a divine purpose!" Further, He spoke, "The masses in the world will not diminish but the generals will be going on, many of them coming home to be with Me."
This message was then and still is - so very urgent - in the mind of God! He told me that it is "imperative that the Generals have a comeback to tell the generations under them that they must 'come up' now!"
The elder generation must exhort and admonish the generations remaining after them. "They must come up stronger than their predecessors!" This is something that is so loud in the bowels of God right now! There is a great, great stirring in Him over this matter.
God said, "There has been in the earth, through these elders, an awesome, anointed, and appointed work for such a time as this, that has taken place over the past twenty-five to fifty years.
He told me that there must be a communication brought to this generation - to cause them to comprehend, grasp and grab hold of - to take the mantle upon themselves.
They must come to terms with the reality of it all - the size of it all - the importance of it all - to God! They must be able to comprehend the depth of what He has thus far accomplished in the earth by these "elder Generals"! They have accomplished the task given them - and now - God must have an ever-increasing momentum take place! He is "hot" to reveal this to His Church, right now, that they understand perfectly where we are, what is happening and what needs to happen next. This is exactly what is happening, as God sees it today, even at this moment! I believe that we must line up with these words - that we might have the victory and that God may be glorified - because His people have heard His Word and are taking their places with that Word out of obedience.
These are crucial times and we must be in right order, after the whole, complete, right, revealed plan of God. This is critical to the outcome of the fulfillment of God's will in the earth - now.
This momentum can only come by those who will be left in charge!
God is very concerned with the skill as well as the level of fire in the up and coming generation. He said, " I must have the full attention of this generation. I must have them understand that this is an hour of solemnness'!"
This generation must get in with God - get in with those Generals - who can impart by verbal communication, by laying on of hands, and by passing on the anointing. Their anointing can and must be passed on!
We must have the same "quality" of men as those who are preparing to leave us behind. Or, God shows me, the work that has been built up to this point will be lost. He cannot afford for this to happen - especially not at this particular time - this day and this hour. He is performing His good and perfect will, and we must come to terms with the reality of it and get locked in with it all immediately!
These are days when there is no time to waste! We cannot afford to be slow in our responses to God now! We must be alert. This is an hour of high strategizing.
God needs His people to be the ones on top or above! He does not need us being "slaughtered" because we aren't listening at this time. He is trying to equip us, to thus, prepare us for things coming that we know not of! We must have an ear to hear what the Spirit has to say. This is the hour for that as no hour before.
There is so much transpiring that our eye has not yet seen! Be assured of this one thing, nothing is out of the view of God. He knows and sees all. And He will take of that and impart it to us as we still ourselves before Him to hear what He would say to us.
This is a day to begin to speak less and to hear much more! Our victories will come by hearing what the Spirit has to say!
Will we understand that now? Will we "set ourselves" apart for that now? We really must if we love the LORD! We really must! We determine the outcome of the will of God in the earth. Our choices affect everything.
We must be like men of war. At this precise time, every shot counts! We will pay a price for the shots that miss the target. We can't afford to be sloppy at this time." ...
Copyright 2005 / By Ginger D. Renken - Excerpt from Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows - 2004
Since that June 15, 2003 date, as you well know, many of the Generals have gone on just as the LORD said. Patriarchs in the eyes of God.
Do we not see that this is "the hour" spoken of back on that day? Has not our day become a day of fulfillment for all words spoken above?
Selah (Hebrew - Pause and calmly think on that.)
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
From The Bird's Eye View
With More Bold Statements
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